

Ameinu's Vice-President and Head of Executive Committee Nomi Colton-Max lists some of the ways you can help Israeli people today!
Little patriot jewish girl standing  and enjoying with the flag of Israel on blue sky background.Memorial day-Yom Hazikaron, Patriotic holiday Independence day Israel - Yom Ha'atzmaut concept

Many of you have reached out to us at Ameinu, asking us the best way to support Israelis during these dreadful days. As you can imagine, there are many places to donate, and we will be updating this page when newer funds are established.   There are obvious places where you may be involved, such as your local Federation, the Jewish Agency, and the American Zionist Movement that are collecting funds.  Below, are specific projects from our  partners and dear colleagues:

The list is in no specific order. We will keep updating the list on our website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.  

1.Project Rozana USA 

The Black Saturday massacre perpetrated by Hamas against Israel and Israel’s subsequent war against Hamas has resulted in unprecedented loss and an increasingly dire humanitarian crisis.

Nearly 30,000 people (mostly from Gaza) have been reported injured and wounded across the region, and the pressure on frontline hospitals in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel is enormous. The strain of coping with the large influx of critical cases is stretching the healthcare system to its limits. 

Many of these hospitals are Rozana partners. Over the past two years Rozana has trained their trauma and emergency care physicians and their critical care nurses.

Project Rozana is proud to support their partner institutions and Rozana alumni who are addressing urgent healthcare needs now and preparing for the long-term rehabilitation needs and mental health challenges to come.

Donate here.

2.  The Center for Psychological Services Sha’ar Hanegev

The Sha’ar Hanegev Center for Psychological Services (a registered association) was established 55 years ago. It provides psychological help to residents of the Northern Negev and the communities around, who must deal with an ongoing reality of emergencies.

Since the morning of October 7th 2023 the people of the area have been under a murderous attack. The Shaar Hanegev regional council has suffered terrible losses. 78 people, among them mothers, fathers, children, babies, and their grandparents, part of their powerful community, were murdered in a ruthless and inhumane terrorist attack on the settlements in the regional council. The center for Psychological Services has been providing therapy to those who need it urgently. In order to keep doing so they need urgent financial assistance!

We, at Ameinu, ask for your support! An hour of therapy costs 300 NIS, which is roughly $82. Please consider donating one, two, or more hours of treatment to the people of this community. Any other amount would be sufficient as well! Ameinu will transfer 100% of the funds raised for this campaign to the Center of Psychological Service in Sha’ar Hanegev, Israel. DONATE HERE.

Visit the webiste of the Center for Psychological Services Sha’ar Hanegev


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