
Progressive Jewish Groups Join Forces for Peace, Democracy and Justice


Building on the proud legacy of decades pursuing peace and justice, Ameinu and Americans for Peace Now are delighted to announce their full merger.

The new organization will proudly carry forward and build upon our combined histories, as we expand to be even more effective in serving our mission and constituencies.

“This merger unites two progressive organizations in our passionate pursuit of peace, security, social justice, equality, and democracy at a critical time for Israel, the Palestinians and the United States,” said Jim Klutznick, Chair of the APN’s Board of Directors. “APN’s leadership, board, and staff are excited about this opportunity to build greater capacity and increase our impact.”

For decades, APN and Ameinu have been progressive Zionist trailblazers and trendsetters within the American Jewish community. Both organizations have provided principled direction to a community that often has been inhibited by rigid, hardline notions about Israel and its relations with its neighbors and the world. The two organizations share a vision for Israel as a democratic, egalitarian society that can live in peace and security with its neighbors, including a sovereign state of Palestine and are committed to bolstering progressive values in the United States. The new organization will enhance the capacity to advance these goals.

“By joining forces, we will be far more impactful,” said Kenneth Bob, Ameinu’s National President. “We will be able to expand our organizational impact in Israel and the United States, strengthen the bond between progressive American Jews and their Israeli counterparts, resulting in a combined voice with an even wider reach that engages a larger audience that shares our views and values. Our new organization will build upon the decades of effective advocacy and community engagement of both groups to better create change and support peace, democracy, and justice.”

Ameinu and APN will be working in the coming months to implement the merger, including a new name for this organization. The organizations will bring together their resources, programs, partnerships, lay leadership and staff. The new organization will be led by President and CEO, Hadar Susskind.

“Our merger is a perfect case of the sum being greater than its parts,” said Susskind. “Now more than ever, the need for strong, progressive Jewish voices is clear. I am sure that the same passionate base that has been so proud of the work of APN and Ameinu over the decades will be inspired by this joining of forces of two such effective organizations at a time of crisis in the Middle East and threats to democracy in Israel and the United States.” 


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