
The Center for Psychological Services Sha’ar Hanegev

The Sha’ar Hanegev Center for Psychological Services (a registered association) was established 55 years ago. It provides psychological help to residents of the Northern Negev and the communities around, who must deal with an ongoing reality of emergencies. The Shaar Hanegev regional council includes the Kibbutzim and Moshavim: Bror Hayil, Dorot, Erez, Gevim, Kfar Aza, Mefalsim, Nahal Oz, Nir Am, Or HaNer, Ruhama and Yakhini.

Since 2001, the Northern Negev region has been in a constant state of emergency. The Center’s professional therapists offer a range of therapies targeting trauma and post-trauma, in the form of individual, family, and group therapy. They also treat victims of sexual abuse, provide therapeutic assistance for Sapir College students, and run a program to disseminate mindfulness in the community. The Center is recognized by the Health Ministry as specialized in clinical psychology and child development. 

Since the morning of October 7th 2023 the people of the area have been under a murderous attack. The Shaar Hanegev regional council has suffered terrible losses. 78 people, among them mothers, fathers, children, babies, and their grandparents, part of their powerful community, were murdered in a ruthless and inhumane terrorist attack on the settlements in the regional council. At the beginning of the attack, the community lost their beloved  head of our regional council, Ofir Libshtein, while he was trying to defend his home from terrorists. While the war is still going on, the center for Psychological Services must begin providing therapy to those who need it urgently. To do so they need urgent financial assistance!

Since October 7 the residents of the area are dealing with very difficult feelings : pain, fear, helplessness and a huge shock from the horrible events that happened. The home that used to be the protected and safe place is no longer like that, and is now linked to difficult experiences of loss, destruction and vulnerability.

A lot of people can’t live in their homes, and stay in hotels or other temporary housing, far from their communities, and face the disruption of their routine, the lack of organized employment and educational  frameworks for their children.

We, at Ameinu, ask for your support! An hour of therapy costs 300 NIS, which is roughly $82. Please consider donating one, two, or more hours of treatment to the people of this community. Any other amount would be sufficient as well! Ameinu will transfer 100% of the funds raised for this campaign to the Center of Psychological Service in Sha’ar Hanegev, Israel.

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