Ameinu Congratulates New Labor Party Leader MK Merav MIchaeli

Ameinu sent the following letter to Israeli Labor Party MK Merav Michaeli, congratulating her on being elected the party’s chairperson yesterday.

Dear Merav,

Your friends at Ameinu extend our sincere congratulations on your election as chairperson of the Israel Labor Party. Your deep commitment to women’s rights, social justice, and the cause of peace is well established and you are one of the bright lights in Israeli politics. Ameinu is proud of our association with you.

Israel’s democracy is best served by the presence of a strong, principled Labor Party; Ameinu believes that under your leadership, Labor will re-emerge as a force on Israel’s political landscape.

We wish you all the best in your efforts and look forward to continuing to work with you.

Kenneth Bob
President, Ameinu


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