Ameinu Joins MAZON and 26 other organizations calling for White House Conference on Ending Hunger

Dear Mr. President,

We, the undersigned organizations, a collection of faith-based organizations whose traditions call on us to collectively address the needs of those most vulnerable, are proud to join with House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern in calling for a White House Summit on Food, Nutrition, and Hunger.

Our respective scriptures inform us that all people are made in the image of the divine and as organizations guided by our faith and values, we work every day to ensure that all people are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of income or economic situation. It is far too common that those who do seek assistance are marginalized or stigmatized, so much so that even those who would otherwise qualify for such assistance refrain for fear of becoming stigmatized themselves. We also know that food insecurity is a distinct barrier for millions who struggle every day to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty and hunger. Furthermore, we also know that addressing food insecurity is also a matter of justice because of generations of systemic bias, including systemic racism and sexism that have led to higher rates of food insecurity amongst Black, Latinx, and Native American households in the United States.

Federal programs like SNAP and WIC, which provide critical assistance to those at risk of food insecurity and respond effectively during times of heightened need, are constantly under attack. Furthermore, in this time of great economic inequality, the benefits provided by these programs do not match the current reality of need across this country. Our federal government must do more to improve and strengthen vital nutrition assistance programs to fully meet the needs of those who go hungry in this country — not undermine them and try to abdicate responsibility onto religious groups and charities.

Though the charitable food sector does an important job of providing people with direct access to food in emergency situations, we know that charity alone is not enough to end hunger in this country. During COVID-19 we saw the charitable sector stretched to the brink, while programs like SNAP were clearly vital and effective lifelines for millions of Americans. Hunger is a political problem that can only be solved with policy solutions.

We call on the Biden-Harris Administration to bring together policymakers, advocates, and those with lived experience together in a White House Conference to end hunger in America once and for all. In a country blessed with an abundance of food, no one should go hungry. We look forward to an opportunity to work together with your Administration to provide leadership for this summit and respond to the unacceptable crisis of hunger in America.


MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Bread for the World

Union for Reform Judaism

National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC)

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Church World Service

National Council of Jewish Women

Challah for Hunger

Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness

Jewish Council on Urban Affairs

Catholic Charities USA

Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action

The Friends Committee on National Legislation

Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces

Jewish World Watch

The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society

ICNA Relief

Jewish Labor Committee

CCT Latino Network

Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies


Islamic Relief USA

Jewish Federation of Chicago

Disciples Center for Public Witness


Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice



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