
Come See Ameinu in Action at the J Street Conference



Ameinu is proud to once again participate in the J Street National Conference that will be held this weekend (December 3-6) in Washington DC. If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, you can still do it on the conference’s website!

We would like to invite you to drop by at the Ameinu booth, and to also join us and our partners  at the events below:

Ameinu Presents: Pro-Israel and Progressive: Making Clear It’s Not “Mission Impossible”

Sunday, December 4, 8:30-9:30am


Moderator: Nomi Colton-Max, Vice President and Chair of the Executive Committee, Ameinu

Panelist: Dan Fleshler, President, DLL Communications

Panelist: Brian Paler, Vice President, GQR

Panelist: Ronnie Shashoua, J Street U Student Leader at Brown University and New England

Regional Campus Co-Chair

About the program:

A vocal and visible faction of the American left insists that is impossible to be both “pro-Israel” and “progressive,” and that the BDS movement is the only viable option for anti-occupation activists.  They have growing influence among left-wing Democrats, including some elected officials. This panel will examine how pro-Israel, pro-peace progressives should answer the far-left’s most vitriolic critiques of Israel and its left-wing supporters in the U.S, in order to prevent an erosion of support for J Street’s positions.  The discussion will include data from new public opinion research on left-leaning Democrats and independents conducted by GQR, which gauged the extent of progressive Democratic support for Israel as well as specific tactics endorsed by the BDS movement.

Middle East Partnership for Peace Act and the Future of Peacebuilding

Monday, December 5, 11:30am-12:45pm


Moderator: John Lyndon, ALLMEP

Kenneth Bob, President, Project Rozana

Lobna Agbaria, OGS

Jim Pickup, Middle East Investment Initiative

About the program:

In December 2020, over a decade of advocacy led to the passage into law of the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA). This new fund will deliver $250 million over five years to projects that support peacebuilding and Palestinian economic development and partnerships. It represents the largest investment ever in the region’s peacebuilders. Join us as we discuss the first year of MEPPA, its impact on peacebuilding in Israel and Palestinian territory, and what the future of peacebuilding holds.

Open Invitation: J-Link Meeting at J Street Conference

Sunday December 4th, 2022 from 6:00-7:45 PM

Facilitators: Dr. Barbara Landau and Kenneth Bob – J-Link Coordinating Committee Members

Where: Omni Shoreham Hotel, East Wing, Governor’s Room

“Jewish-Arab Political Partnership in Israel: How can Jews and Palestinians in the Diaspora be effective advocates and allies? “

Opening Remarks by Dr. Thabet Abu Ras, Co-Executive Director of the Abraham Initiatives and an activist in the new Arab-Jewish Kol Ezrache’ah political party.

J-Link is an international network of progressive Jewish organizations. We share a love of Israel and a commitment to democracy, human rights, religious pluralism, and a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We believe in the values enshrined in Israel’s Declaration of Independence, which promise “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.” For more visit J-Link website.


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