
Netanyahu’s Rejection of Two-State Solution Harms Israel’s Security

Ameinu views with grave concern the recent statements by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which seemingly reject the possibility of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Ameinu views with grave concern the recent statements by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which seemingly reject the possibility of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Prime Minister has claimed, “My insistence is what has prevented — over the years — the establishment of a Palestinian state that would have constituted an existential danger to Israel. As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to strongly insist on this.” Mr. Prime Minister, your policies have failed; the weakening of the Palestinian Authority and your backroom support for Hamas made Israelis less safe and harmed Israel’s security.

As a progressive Zionist organization, Ameinu has, time and again, publicly expressed its support for a two-state solution. “Ameinu remains firm in its belief that this is the only way to ultimately ensure a peaceful and secure future for Israelis and Palestinians. The Prime Minister needs to now lead Israel with a plan that ends the war in Gaza and brings all of the hostages home, instead of delaying this effort while clinging to his hold on power,” said Kenneth Bob, president of Ameinu. “American Jews, who overwhelmingly support a two-state solution, are paying attention; your words and actions are undermining international efforts to end the war and build a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike and are actively eroding support for Israel. These policies of your government are putting Israelis and Jews all over the world at risk,” Bob added.

Ameinu believes that the international response to the horrific Hamas attack on October 7 and the subsequent war in Gaza offers a new opportunity for a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians, including a rebuilt Gaza, with the active support of the Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, the United States and the European Union. Ameinu calls on the Israeli government to embrace this initiative, enable the return of all of the hostages and begin down the path for a more secure and peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians.


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