“Deal of the Century” Ignores Palestinians, Not Viable

Ameinu is deeply concerned by today’s announcement of President Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century.” The proposal, which includes provisions for a non-contiguous and non-viable Palestinian state and recognition of Israeli sovereignty over all of the settlements in the West Bank was unveiled today at the White House by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu, two cynical leaders who are using the Israel-Palestine conflict to distract their respective constituents from impeachment and indictment. That Netanyahu would accept this “deal” is no surprise; he sees this as his best chance to get re-elected despite his indictment today for criminal corruption.

Unfortunately, Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel’s Blue and White Party, and Netanyahu’s main rival for the premiership, called the plan “a significant and historic milestone,” and added that, “immediately after the elections, I will work toward implementing it from within a stable functioning Israeli government, in tandem with the other countries in our region.” Ameinu is disappointed by Gantz’s response and calls on him to reject this proposal outright and commit to restarting negotiations with the Palestinians should he become Israel’s next prime minister.

This ill-timed and misguided proposal does not aim to solve the conflict, for if it did, it would have been done in coordination and engagement with the second party to the conflict, the Palestinians. Today’s announcement was a bi-lateral agreement between Israel and the United States; it leaves no room for Palestinian concerns or input. A durable, lasting peace is one that is negotiated with the cooperation and trust of both parties. This attempt by the US and Israel to impose “peace” on the Palestinians is just the latest sign that the Trump administration has relinquished America’s historical role as an honest broker between the Israelis and the Palestinians. This gambit will fail and the region will only become less, not more stable.

Ameinu looks forward to the day when Israelis and Palestinians will sit down together to negotiate a solution to this conflict that has gone on for far too long at the cost of too many lives.

Israelis and Palestinians deserve better than this faux peace deal.

