
Ameinu Statement on Israel’s Agreements with the UAE and Bahrain


Ameinu welcomes the peace and normalization agreements signed today by Israel with the UAE and Bahrain. Since its birth in 1948, the State of Israel has sought peace with the Arab world. The peace treaties with neighboring Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) were a partial realization of that dream; today’s ceremony at the White House represents its continuation.


While these agreements are significant milestones for Israel and the region, only an accord with the Palestinians can bring about an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict and deliver true and lasting peace to Israel. Real peace requires boldness and vision, it is our hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu will end the threat of annexation of any part of the West Bank and declare willingness to undertake negotiations with the Palestinians based on the principle of two states for two peoples. Furthermore, the United States government, for their part, should reinstate previously discontinued, much needed humanitarian and development aid to the Palestinians. These steps by Israel and the United States will create an atmosphere in which Palestinian leadership can reengage with both countries and pursue a better future for the region.


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