President Rivlin: Reject Racist, Homophobic Members of Knesset

Sunday 4 April
Dear President Rivlin,

J-Link, the international network of progressive Jewish organizations, sides with many other Jewish organizations and individuals around the world in viewing with grave concern the entry into the Knesset of six members of far-right parties HaTzionut HaDatit, Otzma Yehudit and Noam, and an additional seat they were given on the Likud list, that hold racist, homophobic, and fundamentalist views. 

In 1985 the Knesset adopted an amendment to the Basic Law stipulating that a party with a racist  platform could not participate in an election.

Otzma Yehudit, which is made up of former disciples and political heirs of Meir Kahana, whose  Kach party was banned from running in the 1988 election, supports annexation of the West Bank,  the emigration of non-Jews from Israel and the expulsion of Palestinian and Israeli Arabs who  refuse to declare loyalty to “Greater Israel”.

The possibility of such a party becoming a partner to any Israeli coalition is a stain on Israel’s  democracy. It seriously tarnishes Israel’s standing among nations and citizens of the world. It  shocks and outrages Jewish organizations and individuals who uphold Jewish values of tolerance,  democracy and human rights. 

We urge you, Mr. President, not to consider these parties in your deliberations for the formation of the incoming Israeli coalition.

Yours sincerely, 

The J-Link Coordinating Committee, 

Kenneth Bob (Ameinu, U.S.A.), Barbara Landau (JSpaceCanada, Canada), Ilan Baruch (Policy  Working Group, Israel), Pablo Lumerman (J-AmLat, Argentina), Giorgio Gomel (JCall Europe,  Italy), Gabriella Saven (The Jewish Democratic Initiative, South Africa).

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