US and Israel — Recognize the Armenian Genocide Now

Noting that April 2015 marks one hundred years since up to one and a half million Armenians were slaughtered by forces of the Ottoman Empire, Ameinu, North America’s largest grassroots progressive Zionist organization, released the following statement calling for universal recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

“The time has come for all people to unequivocally recognize the slaughter of the Armenians — through execution, forced labor, deportation, death marches, starvation and rape — for what it was: a genocide,” said Gideon Aronoff, CEO of Ameinu.  “For too many years, political considerations have trumped moral ones and the Armenian genocide has yet to be recognized by the governments of the United States and Israel.”

“As Jews, we have a special obligation to stand with other victims of murderous persecution and genocide, declared Ameinu President Kenneth Bob.  “On this tragic anniversary, Ameinu mourns with the Armenian people and calls on calls on the governments of the United States and Israel, as well as Jewish communal organizations around the world, to correct this historic wrong and immediately recognize the Armenian Genocide,” Bob added.

Released: April 29, 2015


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