Combat Alt-Right Hate; Demand Trump & Bibi Lead

American Democracy Must be Protected from Alt-Right White Supremacy and Neo-Nazism

  President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu Fail to Lead and so Strengthen Fascist Movements in the U.S., Israel and Around the World

New York, (August 15, 2017) — Ameinu, North America’s largest progressive Zionist grassroots movement, released the following statement expressing great distress at the white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and alt-Right violence and hate on display this past weekend in Charlottesville, VA, which resulted in the death of a young woman and many injuries.

“For the sake of a just America — and to fight racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and fascism – Ameinu thoroughly condemns the violent white supremacists who wreaked havoc in Charlottesville. The recent rise of hate-filled rhetoric and actions is due in significant part to the validation hate received during the 2016 election and by the Trump Administration.  Not only did President Trump equivocate instead of lead at the time of the racist violence, but his denunciations have remained weak and detached even days later.  The continued presence of alt-Right associated senior officials like Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller — as well as Administration pronouncements on police violence, immigration, transgender rights and the role of the media in a free society – all reinforce a lack of respect for the rule of law and tolerance for the alt-Right movement.

As Zionists, Ameinu is alarmed by the tepid response of the Israeli government to neo-Nazi and proto-fascist activity in the United States, as well as in Hungary and other parts of Europe.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to challenge overt antisemitism on the streets of Charlottesville, delaying even longer than President Trump before speaking out. The notion that Israel does not take the threat of neo-Nazism seriously will only reinforce President Trump’s conclusion that he has nothing to lose by cozying up to white supremacists in his base of voters.  Ameinu is appalled but not surprised by the current Israeli government’s inaction internationally, since it is simultaneously promoting anti-democratic legislation and an environment where violent Jewish chauvinist movements like Lehava and the “Price Tag” attackers are allowed to essentially run free in Israel and the West Bank.

In the upcoming days Ameinu will join with colleagues in the Jewish and broader community to stand against alt-Right fascism in America.  And we will recommit to opposing the current Israeli government as it reinforces Trump’s empowerment of white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and emboldens similar forces at home in Israel.”


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