
New Poll: Large majority of Israelis favors permanent status talks with Palestinians, majority for cease-fire talks with Hamas

By Geneva Initiative

October 2007: Poll by MarketWatch Research Institute finds great majority of Israelis support conducting permanent status negotiations with the Palestinians.

Oct. 30, 2007

The poll, commissioned by GI, also finds majority of Israelis support package deal along the lines of the Geneva Accord and favor arriving at a detailed document of understandings at the Annapolis summit.

Poll conducted by MarketWatch Research Institute
Commissioned by Geneva Initiative – October 2007

  • The survey was conducted on a representative sample of 600 Israelis (including the Russian-speaking and Arab Israeli communities)
  • Maximum margin of error is ±4.0%

1.Do you support or object to Israel conducting permanent status negotiations with the Palestinians? Support 65%
Object 28%
Undecided 7%

2.Do you support or object to Israel holding talks with Hamas on a ceasefire?
Support 54%
Object 44%
Undecided 3%

3.In your opinion, is Mahmoud Abbas a partner with whom we must not lose the available opportunity, or would it be better to wait for the leader who follows him?
Partner who must not be missed 47%
Wait for the leader who follows 36%
Undecided 18%

4.In your opinion, is Ehud Olmert capable of reaching an agreement with the Palestinians, or would it be better to wait for the leader who follows him?
Capable of reaching an agreement 33%
Wait for the leader who follows 55%
Undecided 12%

5.To what extent do you support or object to the following components of an agreement?

A complete withdrawal to the’ 67 borders, excluding some settlement blocs, in exchange for unpopulated areas:
Object 57%
Support 30%
Undecided 14%

Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem will be under Israeli sovereignty, and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian Sovereignty:
Object 45%
Support 41%
Undecided 14%

The Jewish Quarter and the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem will be under Israeli sovereignty, and the mosques and Arab quarters in the Old City under Palestinian sovereignty:
Object 42%
Support 50%
Undecided 8%

A demilitarized Palestinian state and the establishment of comprehensive security arrangements to protect Israel:
Object 35%
Support 53%
Undecided 13%

The return of refugees to the Palestinian state and the limited admission of refugees into Israel based on Israel’s exclusive judgment:
Object 54%
Support 38%
Undecided 9%

A mutual announcement by Israel and the Palestinians on the end of conflict and the lack of any further claims:
Object 17%
Support 72%
Undecided 11%

To what extent do you support or object to a package-agreement along the parameters mentioned above?
Support 54%
Object 29%
Undecided 17%

6. A peace conference with Israeli and Palestinian participation is set to take place in the U.S. this coming November. Which of the following options would you prefer?
Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas arrive at a general statement on the need for a two-state solution 37%
Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas arrive at a detailed document of understandings that presents the basis for a future permanent status agreement  46%
Neither 11%
Undecided 5%

7. In the event that Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas reach an agreement of principles in the peace summit in the U.S. next month based on the following principles:

  • A mutual recognition of the right of both states to exist and a joint battle against terrorism
  • The establishment of a Palestinian state bordered by the Green Line with mutual modifications that will enable the annexation of large settlement blocs to Israel
  • The division of East Jerusalem, with Jewish neighborhoods under Israeli sovereignty and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty
  • A recognition of the suffering of the refugees and of the need to compensate them, without mentioning the right of return

To what extent would you support or object to such an agreement?
Support 49%
Object 36%
Undecided 16%

8. What do you think will happen if the November summit in the U.S. fails?
Terrorism and violence between the parties will rise 38%
There will be no change in the level of terrorism and violence 50%
Terrorism and violence will decrease 6%
Undecided 6%

9. Following the summit, should Israel and the Palestinians, or should they not, begin ongoing negotiations with the aim of reaching a final status agreement within a year?
They should 73%
They should not 21%
Undecided 6%

10. Do you or do you not believe a permanent status and end of conflict can be reached with the Palestinians?
Believe 41%
Do not believe 53%
Undecided 6%

11. To what extent do you support increasing American involvement in the process between Israel and the Palestinians?
Support 71%
Object 26%
Undecided 4%

12. To what extent do you support increasing European involvement in the process between Israel and the Palestinians?
Support 45%
Object 50%
Undecided 5%

To learn more, please visit the Geneva Initiative website


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