
Minister Ayalon (Labor) calls on PM to invite Hamas to regional summit

By Haaretz Service

Minister Ami Ayalon has called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to break Israel’s boycott of Hamas and invite representatives of the group to participate in the regional peace conference scheduled for later this year in Annapolis, Maryland, Army Radio reported Wednesday.

The invitation would be contingent on Hamas’ acceptance of the Palestinian Authority’s stance at the summit, Ayalon told Army Radio.

“I say we need to invite Hamas to Annapolis, if from the beginning, they are prepared to receive any joint document signed by Abu Mazen [PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas] and Ehud Olmert.”

“A call like this from Israel could bring the beginning of Hamas’ disintegration because of the internal conflict which will occur,” he added.

The Palestinians and Arab states have called on Israel to compile a joint declaration with the Palestinian Authority ahead of the summit, to deal with the core issues of refugees, Jerusalem and the borders of a future Palestinian state.

Israel has backed away from the calls, saying it would prefer to see a wide understanding with the Palestinians.

Olmert has sought to lower expectations for the conference to deflect pressure from right-wing coalition partners who are opposed to dividing Jerusalem and taking other sweeping steps as part of any deal with Abbas

The prime minister said earlier this week that the conference should instead be viewed as a chance for the international community to support statehood negotiations, which are expected to formally begin following the gathering.

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m


Oct. 24, 2007


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