Israel Delegitimizes Itself with BDS Ban Law

Ben Gurion Airport WelcomeOn March 6, 2017 (updated on March 8) Ameinu released the following statement on the new Israeli law banning entry of foreigners who call for boycotts, divestment or sanctions against Israel or territories controlled by Israel (i.e., West Bank settlements):


“The Knesset’s new law, which bars entry of any person believed to have called for boycotts of Israel or the West Bank settlements, is an affront to Israel’s core values and plays directly into the hands of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement,” declared Kenneth Bob, President of Ameinu. “Ameinu calls on all Zionists and pro-Israel advocates, both individuals and organizations, to oppose this dangerous law.”

Bob stressed, “While Ameinu stands in complete opposition to the BDS Movement and does not support boycotts, we understand why some progressives choose to distinguish between Israeli products and those from the settlements as a tactic in their fully justified struggle against occupation.  For the sake of Israel’s security and legitimacy, the Government of Israel should never take actions that reinforce the Far Left’s claim that Israel and its supporters use the power of the state to violate the freedom of speech of their opponents.”

Ameinu is the largest progressive Zionist organization in North America and today’s embodiment of the more than 113 year old Labor Zionist movement in the United States.  Gideon Aronoff, Ameinu’s CEO, added “As Zionists Ameinu is dedicated to the principles of the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed Israel to “be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel.” It is truly unfathomable that the leaders of the Government would enact a law that directly contradicts these essential Jewish and Zionist principles. This new law is a gift for Israel’s enemies and a deep offense for those who love the Jewish State.”


“Ameinu commends the many other progressive pro-Israel organizations and commentators that have also come out strongly against the law, along with the American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League, which have raised serious concerns.  We hope that a groundswell of opposition from North American Jewry will send a strong message to the Israeli government that Israel’s strength and legitimacy flow from its values, not counterproductive actions like barring critics from visiting the country,” Aronoff said.


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