
Bibi-Obama, Jewish Heroes and the Best View in Israel

Peace and Politics

In private conversations with political figures during my recent trip to Israel as well as listening to public speeches, it became clear to me that all eyes are focused on today’s meeting between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. More specifically, will Bibi present an Israeli position on reaching an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that is compelling enough to seriously engage the U.S. and Palestinians, leading to direct negotiations?

While the Peace Camp regularly speaks of “time running out” on a two state-solution, at this time the clock is ticking for everyone, left and right.

The ten month settlement freeze is scheduled to end in September, and Foreign Minister Lieberman has stated that the “bulldozers are ready” to continue active construction in the settlements on the “day after.” Netanayhu has signaled that the only way he holds off his right wing and extends the freeze is through beginning direct talks. On the other side of the government table, Labor Party ministers say that if there isn’t progress on the peace front and a renewal of the settlement freeze, there will be no reason to stay in the coalition.  Opposition leader Tzippi Livni, speaking to the Jewish Agency Assembly, said that she told Bibi that “if he wants to do what it takes to make peace, she will join his government, as that is my litmus test for being in politics.”

Stay tuned for both the public and private moves following the meeting today.

Also Seen in Israel

During the World Zionist Congress (more below), a demonstration was taking place literally  minutes away by 100,000 ultra-orthodox marchers, protesting a court ruling that required an Ashkenazi girls yeshiva to accept Sephardic students. Yes, school desegregation in 2010. I am not going to delve into the details of this issue but rather report that on the same day, 47,000 Elton John fans crowded into Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv to hear a rock legend. The front page of the widely circulated Yediot Achronot newspaper placed pictures of the events side by side with a headline which read “Two States.” Indeed.

WZO Congress and Jewish Agency Board of Governors

As I am covering a number of topics in today’s post, I will revisit the state of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency in more depth at a later date. I do want to share a few observations that are particularly relevant to Ameinu followers. Leading up to this Congress, an agreement was reached to form united faction between the Reform movement, Labor and Meretz, creating the single largest block at the Congress. This facilitated our joint U.S. Hatikva slate of Ameinu, Habonim Dror, Hashomer Hatzair, J Street and Meretz USA to strategize together with our colleagues from around the world, resulting in the passage of an impressive list of resolutions regarding religious pluralism, democracy in Israel and peace. There was significant frustration on the right as our faction united with the Kadima-Conservative centrist block to pass these policy statements. Following the passage of a fairly mild resolution in support of a two state solution and the settlement freeze, right-wing delegates rushed to the stage. At an earlier committee meeting it was also suggested that we were part of the “Obama Hamas delegation” and other “charming” epithets.

As a subset of this broad coalition, we also had the opportunity to meet with our Ameinu colleagues from Canada, Australia and South Africa as well as other Labor Zionist delegates from Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, France, Belgium, United Kingdom and Israel.  I was re-elected to the Zionist Executive and the Board of Governors by this caucus and hope to be an effective spokesperson for our issues in the years ahead.

Real Live Jewish Heroes, 40 Years Later

The Board of Governors closed with an emotional session which recognized the heroism of the Russian Jews of the famous Leningrad Trial. This foiled plane hijacking ignited the Zionist spirit in Russia and, as they say, the rest is history. Co-conspirator Yosef Mendelevitch, joined by others, spoke to the audience as they were greeted by a standing ovation. Having been a Soviet Jewry activist at that time, including traveling there on a “mission,” it was a “full circle” moment for me and others.

Breathtaking View and Zionism Too

And this for last. During my stay in Israel, I was invited to bring greetings to the World Habonim Dror Convention at Kibbutz Ravid, situated high above the Kinneret. I was completely taken by the breathtaking view, with the sea below framed by the Golan, Tzefat above to the north… was a perfect antidote to a week of meetings in Jerusalem.  As impressive as the physical beauty was the event itself, attended by 250 young Zionists from around the world including 80 recent immigrants to Israel. All of the talk at the Zionist Congress about leadership development and building a more just Israeli society was trumped by the gathering on a small kibbutz…..the real deal.

B’virkat chaverim,

Kenneth Bob






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