Travel to Israel with Ameinu Next Summer

Join Ameinu President Kenneth Bob as he leads the Ameinu Study Journey on June 30-July 5 for a “behind the headlines” experience with our partners and contacts in Israeli and Palestinian society.

Meet with grassroots activists, politicians, military experts, business people and policy makers as we travel around Israel and the West Bank to engage deeply with the key issues of peace, security and social justice. Don’t worry, it won’t be “all work, no play,” and we will also enjoy and learn about developments on the culinary and wine scene, as well as experience the latest in Israeli culture.

Response has been high and the registration site is now open. Please click here to see the latest details on the trip and to register with our partner, Israel Experts.  Reserving spaces on the trip will be done strictly on a “first come, first served” basis.







Ameinu’s president Kenneth Bob with Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Hilik Bar, an example of political leaders we will hear from on the trip







We visit the West Bank and learn about settlements’ issue.








Dr. Khadra Salami, pediatric oncologist from Augusta Victoria Hospital will tell us about Project Rozana, our healthcare initiative. 








We will meet with peace activists like Women Wage Peace.


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