MK Hilik Bar Introduces Israeli Initiative for Israeli/Palestinian Peace


Dear colleagues and friends,

On July 27th, I launched at the Knesset my diplomatic outline for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The outline was launched with Opposition Leader MK Isaac Herzog and members of Knesset in attendance, along with over 450 participants from across the nation. Among the members in attendance were Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union), Zehava Galon (Chair, Meretz), Oren Hazan (Likud), Issawi Frej (Meretz), Merav Michaeli, Omer Bar-Lev, Ksenia Svetlova, Ayelet Nehmias Verbin, Manuel Trajtenberg, Yoel Hasson, Eyal Ben Reuven, Yossi Yonah, Erel Margalit, Michal Biran, Stav Shaffir, Danny Atar, Revital Swid, and Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) and many more.

The proposed outline is a product of the two years I served as Chair of the Knesset Caucus to Resolve the Arab-Israeli Conflict (the “Two States Caucus”). Two years in which I met with dozens of Israeli, Palestinian, and foreign officials, experts, and numerous elements in the Arab world.

To read MK Bar’s full newsletter on the issue click HERE


11 Responses

  1. Israel is being called upon to,

    1) Make a marriage among the various parts of the non-Israeli Palestinian population (who all hate each other, have little or no natural affinity one to the other and are being funded and encouraged by foreign entities to remain in a state of war with Israel for the benefit of those foreign interests).

    2) Negotiate peace with the resultant “nation” that follows from the presumed success of #1 above.


    3) Cease to exist (either because it made a bad deal “for show” that history tells us would appease no one or, because it refused to make a bad deal allowing Israel to once again be portrayed as a problem to be excessed).

    Who else in the world would be held to this standard and continuously defamed for failing to achieve it? It is way too cynical.

    The non-Israeli Palestinians need to,

    1) Get their act together (not likely given that the act is externally scripted)

    2) Put the civilized element in charge of administration of their affairs (also not likely since the civilized element is routinely murdered by their own extremist element)

    3) Accept the deal that has been on the table for decades, i.e., peace WITH SECURITY for Israel.

    Without the above, the non-Israeli Palestinian population will continue to be administered on-the-fly like a summer camp for the insane, the world war the world is pushing for will finally come to pass, or they will be driven back to the ancestral lands to which at least 95% of them trace their roots.

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