What is House Congressional Resolution 61? Tell your Congress Representative that you Support it!

Congresswomen Jan Schakowsky and Annie Kuster have introduced a resolution in Congress aimed at supporting Israeli democracy and opposing moves that threaten Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state. Persuading your representatives in Congress to support this resolution is crucial. We urge you to act now!

The Resolution can be found here.

Please watch this video to learn more.


1. Write your Member of Congress Instructions: 

1. Go to your Member of Congress’s website (lastname.house.gov)

2. Go to the “Contact” page.

3. Select the option to email your representative.

4. Fill out and Submit the form with the following message.

Hello [Name + Title of Member], 

My name is [name] and I am a constituent who lives in [NAME OF TOWN]. I’m writing to you as someone who cares deeply about the democratic state of Israel and wishes for a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians. I am deeply concerned that the Israeli government’s moves to undermine the independence of Israel’s judiciary threatens this future. 

For months, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the street to push back against the Netanyahu government’s efforts to undermine Israel’s Supreme Court. These protestors are looking to Congress for more public support of their vigorous defense of Israel’s democracy.

 I also believe that it is time for Congress, as the voice of the American people, to reaffirm that the US-Israel relationship is based on the shared values of liberal democracy, and reinforce the need for Israel to remain a liberal democracy.  For these reasons I urge [REP. NAME] to join [HIS/HER] colleagues and cosponsor House Concurrent Resolution 61, introduced by Rep. Schakowsky and Rep. Kuster, affirming that Congress “stands with all Israelis seeking to defend liberal democracy, judicial review, and independent political institutions acting in a system of checks and balances.”  

Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing your response.




2. You can also call your Member of Congress

My name is _________ and I’m a pro-Israel constituent of [rep name]. I live in [name of town]. As someone who cares deeply about democracy in Israel and a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians, I’m very concerned about the Israeli government’s major moves to undermine the independence of Israel’s judiciary.  [PICK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING POINTS]:

Hundreds of thousands of Israeli protesters have been in the streets for over 30 weeks to push back against the Netanyahu government’s uncompromising, unilateral plans to undermine the power and independence of Israel’s Supreme Court – Israeli protesters are looking to Congress for more public support of their vigorous attempts to save Israel’s liberal democracy. OR

This is the moment for Congress to affirm that the US-Israel special relationship is based on the shared values of liberal democracy and that Israel must remain as such. As the voice of the people, Congress should be clear that Americans have long supported Israel because of these shared values and warn that stepping away from these values jeopardizes the relationship. OR

Congress must push back against the ultra right-wing Israeli government’s efforts to undermine Israel’s democratic institutions. These institutions protect minorities in Israel and stand in the way of annexation in the West Bank. It is crucial that Congress affirms that democracy is at the root of the US-Israel relationship as Netanyahu’s extremist government threatens a peaceful, democratic future for Israelis and Palestinians. 


I would like [REP. NAME] to join [HIS/HER] colleagues and cosponsor House Concurrent Resolution 61, introduced by Rep. Schakowsky and Rep. Kuster, affirming that Congress “stands with all Israelis seeking to defend liberal democracy, judicial review, and independent political institutions acting in a system of checks and balances.”  


I would like to thank [REP. NAME] for cosponsoring House Concurrent Resolution 61, supporting Israeli democracy. I greatly appreciate [HIS/HER] leadership and for representing constituents like me who value peace and democracy.


3. Do You Tweet? Here are some Great Examples

*Endorsement Tweets We are proud to support H.Con.Res.61 led by @janschakowsky and @repanniekuster! The US-Israel relationship is based on shared democratic values, and protestors fighting for those values should have strong, vocal congressional support. 

*We are endorsing H.Con.Res. 61, led by @janschakowsky and @repannmiekuster. Congress must affirm that democracy is the root of the US-Israel relationship and stand with Israel’s pro-democracy protestors. 

*This week – as Israel’s Supreme Court hears the case to overturn the gutting of Israel’s judiciary – we must all stand with Israel’s pro-democracy movement. We urge all Members of Congress to co-sponsor H.Con.Res. 61, which makes clear that Congress stands with Israelis fighting to defend its liberal democracy.

Tweets at Specific Congressmen 

*For the last 7 months hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to defend their democracy – now is the time for Congress to show their support. We urge @[member twitter] to sign on to H.Con.Res. 61 and support pro-democracy protestors. 

*We call on @[member twitter] to sign on to H.Con.Res. 61, a resolution supporting Israel’s protestors as they fight to defend their liberal democracy. Congress must reaffirm that the US-Israel relationship is based on these shared values.


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