Author: Ameinu

Israel in Our Lives

By Brad Rothschild I recently asked an Israeli friend why he felt it was important for Jews outside of Israel to have a Jewish identity.

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Visions for a Progressive Israel

By UPZ Staff UPZ Student Leadership Conference September 16-18, 2005 This September 16-18 the Union of Progressive Zionists (UPZ) ? a not-for-profit student organization advocating

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       By Amnon Hadary My eldest son, Oren, and my father, Gershon, died a mere six years apart and are buried not far

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UN Reform

By Norman Gelman Most Zionists are well aware that the United Nations General Assembly and the UN Commission on Human Rights are hotbeds of anti-Israel

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Trickle Down Democracy

Scenes of IDF soldiers removing Gazan settlers bring new meaning to the rallying cry: ?Support Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East.? Despite

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On Bar and Bat Mitzvahs

By Cary Sperling As is well-known, lavish bar and bat mitzvah celebrations have become the norm in the lives of many American Jews. One Long

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