Author: Ameinu

MK Ophir Pines-Paz Visits

By St Louis Hillel Staff MK Ophir Pines-Paz recently made headlines in Israel by resigning from the Israeli cabinet to protest the appointment of Avigdor

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Breaking the Silence

By Tammy Shapiro What distinguishes the Union of Progressive Zionists from other campus organizations? Some might argue it is our politics, but I believe it

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A Response to Zonszein

By Elihu Davison Homogamies attract. This fact becomes magnified because we now live in an era of ethnic devolutions. That explains why Scotland and Wales

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Musings from Jerusalem

Life in Israel is anything but boring. I expect you want an update on the legal status of Israel’s President Katzav. Well, you can relax.

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Musings from Jerusalem

Life in Israel is anything but boring. I expect you want an update on the legal status of Israel’s President Katzav. Well, you can relax.

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Encounter Point

       By Cary Sperling We’re all being bombarded by TV, radio, emails and newspaper articles about the ‘situation’ in Israel/Palestine. Although the situation

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