Author: Ameinu

Will President Bush Bomb Iran?

By Tim Shipman London Telegraph Will President Bush bomb Iran? By Tim Shipman in Washington Last Updated: 12:17am BST 02/09/2007;jsessionid=QBEC5J1BAEGG3QFIQMGSFGGAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/09/02/wiran102.xml In a nondescript room,

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Checklist for a Peace Pact

Washington Post, Opinion August 20, 2007 If the Middle East peace conference proposed by President Bush succeeds, it will be hailed as a milestone.

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Prelude to an Attack on Iran

By Robert Baer Prelude to an Attack on Iran Robert Baer, Time, Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007,8599,1654188,00.html [Baer was a CIA field officer assigned to

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Saving the JNF from itself

By Rabbi Eric Yoffie Rabbi Eric Yoffie The Knesset proposal to legalize the Jewish National Fund’s discriminatory policy of leasing land only to Jews contradicts

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