
Truth is Not the Same Thing as Wisdom

Dome of Rock

No Need to Provoke Region Over Self-Evident Truth that Jerusalem is Israel’s CapitalDome of Rock(New York, NY)  “President Trump’s assertion that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is a true statement, but unnecessarily risks violence for no tangible benefit,” said Kenneth Bob, president of  Ameinu, North America’s largest grassroots progressive Zionist movement. “It, and initial steps to begin moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, are pointless provocations at a delicate time in the relations between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as the Arab and Muslim world and the international community.”

“Like all Zionists, Ameinu is committed to the centrality of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” declared Gideon Aronoff, Ameinu’s CEO. “However, Israel does not need recognition by any country or institution to legitimize or defend the relationship between the Jewish people and Jerusalem. Truth is not the same thing as wisdom.”

“Ameinu believes that steps taken today by the Trump Administration and its allies in the Israeli government are foolish and dangerous moves — which undermine efforts for peace and Israel’s ties with the Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the European Union and many others around the world,” Aronoff added.

“In the context of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, the world will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of both states.  Ameinu is dedicated to working to reach that day as quickly as possible.  But today is not that day, and all parties, including the United States, must not take actions that will make peace and reconciliation a more tenuous and distant dream,” Bob concluded.

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