While on the way to his brethren
A new dream rose in Josephs mind
That as a blossom in spring
Is beautiful and kind.
And as he happily walked by
A hill stony and tall
He greeted warmly his brethren
Grazing the sheep on a grassy mall.
But no smiles were on their faces
Nor friendly outreach of hands.
From their mouths rise
A sarcastic, yell:
"Here is the man of dreams."
And like dogs attacked him,
Pulled down from his body
The pretty shirt father Jacob
Gave him with love
And threw him into a deep pit...
Joseph lay degraded, abused,
And bitterly cried: 'A whole morn
"I dreamed of friendship and peace
"But the brethren did against me bait
"With sarcasm and hate..."
Then a dove appeared on pits edge
And softly cooed:
"Do not cry beloved dreamer.
"Rejoice for a caravan is coming
"And on this very morning
"They will bring you up
"From the pits depth
"To your brethren's stunning!"
Menahem Stern is a poet from Rego Park, New York.